Flamin' Hot Cheetos Marshmallow Treats: A Spicy Twist on a Classic

Flamin' Hot Cheetos Marshmallow Treats: A Spicy Twist on a Classic

Flamin' Hot Cheetos Marshmallow Treats: A Fiery Delight!

Flamin' Hot Cheetos Marshmallow Treats: A Spicy Twist on a Classic

Have you ever thought of combining the spicy kick of Flamin' Hot Cheetos with the sweet gooeyness of marshmallows? Introducing the Flamin' Hot Cheetos Marshmallow Treats recipe, a weird yet surprisingly tasty alternative to the classic marshmallow crispy treats. Dive into this unique fusion of flavors and textures that's sure to be a hit at your next gathering!

The Flamin' Hot Cheetos Marshmallow Treat Recipe

Ready to set your taste buds on fire? Here's how you can make these spicy-sweet treats:


  • 1 bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos (8.5 oz)
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter
  • 1 package (10 oz) marshmallows


  1. Crush the Flamin' Hot Cheetos into small pieces, but not too fine. You want some chunky bits for texture.
  2. In a large saucepan, melt the butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted.
  3. Remove from heat and immediately add the crushed Flamin' Hot Cheetos. Stir until well coated.
  4. Using a spatula, press the mixture evenly into a greased 9x13 inch pan. Let it cool and set for about an hour.
  5. Cut into squares and serve. Enjoy the fiery kick with a sweet twist!

Alternative Chips to Try

If Flamin' Hot Cheetos aren't your thing or you're looking to experiment with different flavors, here are some alternative chips you can use:

  • Doritos Nacho Cheese: For a cheesy and slightly spicy twist.
  • Takis Fuego: If you're looking for an even spicier kick!
  • Classic Lays: For a milder, salty-sweet flavor combination.
  • Pringles Original: A fun twist with a classic chip.

Wrapping Up the Flamin' Hot Cheetos Marshmallow Treat Adventure

While the idea of Flamin' Hot Cheetos Marshmallow Treats might sound strange at first, it's a delightful combination of spicy and sweet that's sure to impress. It's a fun and different alternative to the classic marshmallow crispy treats. So, the next time you're feeling adventurous in the kitchen, give this recipe a try!

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