What Is Therian Identity and Why Do People Identify as Animals?

What Is Therian Identity and Why Do People Identify as Animals?

What Is Therian Identity and Why Do People Identify as Animals?

People Identify as Animals

Therian identity is a complex and fascinating phenomenon. It is the belief that one is, in some way, an animal. This can mean feeling a spiritual or emotional connection to an animal, or it can mean believing that one was literally born as an animal.

Therian Identity Throughout History

Therian identity is a relatively new term, but the concept of people identifying as animals has been around for centuries. In many cultures, there are stories and myths of people who can transform into animals. These stories often reflect the spiritual or religious beliefs of the culture.

The Rise of Therian Identity in the Modern World

In modern times, therian identity has become more widely known thanks to the internet. There are now many online forums and communities where Therians can connect with each other and share their experiences.

Types of Therian Identity

There are many different types of Therian identity. Some therians believe that they are literally animals, while others believe that they are human beings with a strong connection to an animal. There are also Therians who believe that they are somewhere in between human and animal.

Partial Therians

Partial therians believe that they are part human and part animal. They may feel a connection to a particular animal's characteristics or believe that they have the ability to transform into that animal.

Full Therians

Full Therians believe that they are literally animals. They may feel that they were born as an animal and have somehow been reincarnated into a human body.

Spiritual Therians

Spiritual therians believe that they have a spiritual connection to an animal. They may feel guided by the animal's spirit or believe they can communicate with it.

Reasons for Therian Identity

There are many different reasons why people might identify as animals. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • A spiritual connection to animals
  • Emotional connection to animals
  • Past life experiences
  • Medical conditions


Therian identity is a complex and fascinating phenomenon. There is no one right way to be a therian, and there are many different reasons why people might identify as animals. If you are interested in learning more about Therian identity, there are many online resources available. You can also find support groups and communities where you can connect with other Therians.

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