80 Potato Recipes. 1. Classic French Fries.

80 Potato Recipes. 1. Classic French Fries.

80 Potato Recipes. Classic French Fries.
80 Potato Recipes. Classic French Fries.

80 Potato Recipes. Classic French Fries.


  • 4 large russet potatoes
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt


  • Peel the potatoes and cut them into uniform sticks about 1/4 inch thick.
  • Rinse the potatoes in cold water to remove excess starch, then drain and pat them dry with paper towels.
  • Place the potato sticks in the fryer basket and carefully lower it into the hot oil.
  • Fry the potatoes for 3-4 minutes, then remove the basket and shake it to loosen the fries.
  • Return the basket to the fryer and continue frying for another 3-4 minutes, or until the fries are golden brown and crispy.
  • Remove the fries from the fryer and drain them on a paper towel-lined plate.
  • Sprinkle the fries with salt while they're still hot, and serve immediately.

Note: Depending on the size of your fryer and the amount of fries you're making, you may need to fry them in batches. Be careful not to overcrowd the fryer, as this can cause the fries to cook unevenly. Also, make sure to use caution when working with hot oil to avoid burns.

French Fries.
French Fries.

A bit of history on the French Fry.

The exact origin of the French fry is not entirely clear, but it is generally believed to have originated in Belgium or France in the late 17th century.

Some sources suggest that French fries were first made in Belgium in the late 1600s, where they were called "frites" or "frieten". It is said that Belgian villagers in the Meuse Valley would fry small fish they caught in oil. However, when the river froze over during the winter months, they turned to frying potatoes instead.

On the other hand, some historians argue that French fries were actually invented in France. They suggest that French fries were first made by street vendors on the Pont Neuf bridge in Paris in the late 18th century. These vendors would cut potatoes into long, thin strips and fry them in oil until they were crispy and golden.

Regardless of their exact origin, French fries have become a beloved food all around the world. They are enjoyed in many different ways, from plain to topped with cheese, chili, or other toppings.

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