The Smallest Populated Country in the World.

The Smallest Populated Country in the World.


The Smallest Populated Country in the World.
The Smallest Populated Country in the World. Vatican City

After watching a YouTube video where travelers were exploring Luxembourg, it got me wondering what the smallest populated country in the world is.

Luxembourg has a lot of out-of-country workers during the week, but they don't necessarily live there, in fact, a lot of people commute to Luxembourg during the week from surrounding countries to work there.

Luxembourg's population, as of 2022, was around 646,000 people. Source:

What is the smallest populated country in the world?

Vatican City is the smallest populated country in the world as of 2023 with a population of 518.
Vatican City became a country on February 11th, 1929. Vatican City is also the home of the Catholic Church. 
Vatican City is a Country within Italy with just a 2-mile-long border. 

What other countries have small populations?

Tuvalu Flag  

with a population of 11,312. (2022) Tuvalu is located between Hawaii and Australia in the South Pacific Ocean and is made up of nine islands.


Nauru Flag

Nauru has a population of 12,668. (2022) Nauru is located in the Pacific Ocean, North East of Australia. 


Palau Flag

Palau has a population of 18,055 (2022).  Palau is located South East of The Philippines in the Western Pacific. 


San Marino Flag

San Marino has a population of 33,660 (2022). San Marino is located in the North East of Italy in Europe. 

Source of the above information -

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