10 Weirdest Products on Etsy.

10 Weirdest Products on Etsy.


10 Weirdest Products on Etsy. 

Etsy is a marketplace for handmade and vintage items, and as such, it's home to a wide variety of products, from the mundane to the downright weird. Here are a few of the weirdest things you can find on Etsy, including a Nicolas Cage wooden spoon.

Etsy is a great place for creative people. They can create a shop online and sell their personal creations, potentially, if successful enough, creating a living out of it.  I have personally purchased numerous things from Etsy over the past year from some very creative and talented people.  The products below are 10 of the weirdest products on Etsy, in my opinion. I'm sure some people would disagree with me and I am sure there are things on Etsy that are even more bizarre and weird. But here it is anyway.....

10 Weirdest Products for Sale on Etsy

10 Weirdest Products on Etsy.

The all-seeing lemon by SiliconeSound

This all-seeing lemon I found for sale on Etsy is definitely hitting my list of the 10 weirdest products to buy on Etsy.  I can't say I would want to own one of these, but looking at reviews, many people do. 

The all-seeing lemon

The all-seeing lemon 


Rubber Lips Wall Hanging by ArtAkimbo

This rubber lips wall hanging is a little weird but also useful. It will hold certain things for you and may act as a good key holder.  I personally, just find it a little weird.

Rubber Lips Wall Hanging

Rubber Lips Wall Hanging


Dogs Pooping in Beautiful Places by AmazaneShop

A great joke gift that is also useful. I'm not sure who would want this, but there are people who have bought this calendar with pictures of dogs pooping in beautiful places. So I guess there is a market for it out there. 

Dogs Pooping in Beautiful Places

Dogs Pooping in Beautiful Places


Custom Furby Oddbody by PlushieCouture

This is just one of many weird items found on this shop on Etsy.  It certainly freaks me out quite a bit and I have a hard time just looking at it. I certainly wouldn't want to own this or any of the other weird creations found in this shop. However, what is weird to me, is obviously art to others as these weird creations are being purchased with some thought as the below is being sold for over £100. 

Custom Furby Oddbody

Custom Furby Oddbody


Nicholas Cage Features on a Wooden Spoon by SillyJokes

This wooden spoon featuring Nicholas Cage is quite clearly a gag/funny gift for someone. But it is very weird at the same time.  I'm just not sure why you would want to own this. But great as a weird gag gift I suppose. 

Nicholas Cage Features on a Wooden Spoon

Nicholas Cage Features on a Wooden Spoon


Gaping Bob Rolling Tray / Jewellery Holder by gapingbobs

I really don't know what to say about this one. It's freaky, but I guess useful.  I'm sure there are people that are weird enough out there who will like this.  Just not me, which is why it made the list of the 10 weirdest products found on Etsy.

Gaping Bob Rolling Tray

Gaping Bob Rolling Tray


The Rock Eevee Evolution 3D Print by PridderPrints3D

Creativeness can come in all forms and this is certainly a creative, yet weird, little piece of work created by a 3d printer.  It is kind of cool, but also kind of weird at the same time. It certainly is justified in being in my 10 weirdest products on Etsy.  But I can sort of see why someone might purchase this creation. 

The Rock Eevee Evolution 3D Print

The Rock Eevee Evolution 3D Print


Creature Sculpture by Thatvileshop

Well, this one is certainly weird, and I guess the name of the shop this is being sold on says it all. Vile.  But there is a market for this type of weird creation, and where better to sell something like this than on Etsy. 

This has a price tag of over £100.  You have to really, really like this to be spending that kind of money on it. I'm guessing there is a very small market for this type of weird artwork. 

Creature Sculpture 10 Weirdest Products on Etsy.

Creature Sculpture


Weird Puckery Flesh Anus Lighter Sleeve by NaughtybitsGoods.

I really don't know what to say about the following piece, other than I guess it would be a great discussion piece. The title of this piece says it all. I don't need to say anything more other than...weird. 

Weird Puckery Flesh Anus Lighter Sleeve

Weird Puckery Flesh Anus Lighter Sleeve


Adopt a Ghost. Tiny Ghost in a Jar by CrumksCreations

This is advertised as a cute Halloween gift which I get would be appropriate, but it's just weird. These ghosts are needle felted and the owner of the shop makes them to order and gives each 'ghost in a jar' a unique name. They also give you the option of the ghost being free or being glued to the bottom of the jar.  I guess, however, there is also a market for this item as there have been over 1000 reviews for this item on Etsy so people are buying them.  The shop owner of this store on Etsy is on to something.... but it's still a weird item. 

Adopt a Ghost. Tiny Ghost in a Jar

Adopt a Ghost. Tiny Ghost in a Jar


That concludes my 10 weirdest products on Etsy post. However, I could probably make a top 100 products found on Etsy list as there are plenty more weird products on there.  There are also thousands upon thousands of pieces that aren't weird at all. So I would definitely suggest checking Etsy out if you haven't already. A great site to find some very cool and unique gifts. 

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